DVD COMAND ONLINE NTG for specified Mercedes Vehicle Models 

Every modern Mercedes vehicle is equipped with NTG (New Telematics Generation).

And in this page you will find out which kind of NTG your car is equipped with.


How to update your MAP Navigation on NTG Click HERE

Information Table to show which NTG for each Mercedes vehicle model  

Model/NTG NTG 3 NTG 3.5
Model 216 As of market launch As of 01.09.2009 (YoM 09) except CODE 498 (Japan version)
Model 221  As of market launch As of 01.09.2009 (model refinement package 09)
except CODE 498 (Japan version)
Model/NTG NTG 4 NTG 4.5 NTG 5 Star 1
Model 117 As of market launch As of 03.11.2014 (YoM 14/2)
Model 156 As of market launch
Model 166 As of market launch Model 166.0 as of 22.06.2015 (facelift 15)
Model 166.8 as of 14.12.2015 (facelift 15)
Model 172 As of market launch
Model 176 As of market launch
Model 197 As of market launch
Model 204.0/2 As of market launch As of 01.03.2011 (model refinement package 11)  –
Model 204.3 As of market launch
Model 204.9 As of market launch As of 01.06.2012 (model refinement package 12)  –
Model 207 As of market launch As of 01.07.2011 in the following vehicles: with CODE 512 (COMAND APS with DVD changer), with CODE 526 (COMAND with single DVD drive (without navigation)), with CODE 527 (COMAND APS with single DVD drive (with navigation)) or with CODE 528 (COMAND incl. DVD changer) As of 01.06.2012 in the following vehicles: with CODE 510 (Audio 20 with CD changer) or with CODE 523 (MB Audio 20 radio) As of 02.03.2015 (YoM 15/0)

Model 212

As of market launch As of 01.07.2011 in the following vehicles: with CODE 512 (COMAND APS with DVD changer), with CODE 526 (COMAND with single DVD drive (without navigation)), with CODE 527 (COMAND APS with single DVD drive (with navigation)) or with CODE 528 (COMAND incl. DVD changer) As of 01.06.2012 in the following vehicles: with CODE 510 (Audio 20 with CD changer) or with CODE 523 (MB Audio 20 radio) As of 02.03.2015 (YoM 15/0)
Model 218.3  As of market launch  As of 01.07.2011 in the following vehicles: with CODE 512 (COMAND APS with DVD changer), with CODE 526 (COMAND with single DVD drive (without navigation)), with CODE 527 (COMAND APS with single DVD drive (with navigation)) or with CODE 528 (COMAND incl. DVD changer) As of 01.06.2012 in the following vehicles: with CODE 510 (Audio 20 with CD changer) or with CODE 523 (MB Audio 20 radio) As of 01.09.2014 (model refinement package 14)
Model 218.9 As of market launch As of 01.09.2014 (model refinement package 14)
Model 231 As of market launch
Model 242 As of market launch As of 03.11.2014 (model refinement package 14)
Model 246 As of market launch As of 03.11.2014 (model refinement package 14)
Model 292 As of market launch
Model/NTG NTG 5 Star 2 NTG 5.5
Model 190 As of market launch
Model 205 As of market launch
Model 213 As of market launch
Model 217 As of market launch
Model 222 As of market launch
Model 253 As of market launch

In case your Mercedes vehicle is equipped with Audio20 Head Unit, It means the navigation use GARMIN Map.

Then you can buy GARMIN MAP Pilot SD Card from us at HERE.

Please contact us for further information and our best offer at:

Address: 4th Floor, 268 To Hien Thanh Street, Ward 15, District 10, HCMC, VIETNAM

Working time: Monday – Saturday (8:30 AM – 5:30PM)

Tel: +84 (28) 6680-4213

Email: [email protected]

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